Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH announces the launch of its new MQ04 Series 2TB[1] HDD model MQ04ABD200, designed for use in notebook PCs, all-in-one and slim-line desktop systems, and other applications requiring high capacity storage and 2.5-inch[2] mobile-class durability.
The MQ04ABD200 dual-disk model delivers 2TB of storage capacity in a compact 2.5-inch, 9.5mm height form factor. The drive’s 6Gbit/s[3] SATA interface and 5,400rpm performance, combined with a large 128MiB[4] buffer, result in a 34 percent increase in maximum transfer rates and a 50 percent improvement in power efficiency[5] compared to Toshiba’s previous 1TB mobile-class model generation, MQ01ABD100.
“The value, performance and space efficiency of the new MQ04 2TB capacity model has greatly improved while utilizing our field-proven two disk design,” said Takahiro Kasahara, Senior Manager HDD Business Unit, Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH. “Achieving 2TB capacity in the industry-standard 2.5-inch form-factor with just 9.5mm height is a big advance.”
General availability of the MQ04 2TB model shipment will start today.