, Check-Cap and GE Healthcare Achieve Development Milestone in High-volume X-Ray Capsule Manufacturing Collaboration

Check-Cap and GE Healthcare Achieve Development Milestone in High-volume X-Ray Capsule Manufacturing Collaboration

Check-Cap Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHEK, CHEKW), a clinical-stage company engaged in the development of an ingestible capsule for preparation-free, colorectal cancer screening and GE Healthcare (NYSE: GE) today announced the companies have successfully achieved the initial milestone in their ongoing collaboration to develop high-volume, X-ray capsule manufacturing capabilities. Specifically, X-ray sources produced at GE Healthcare using a customized manufacturing method passed all  tests required to ensure compliance with C-Scan® system specifications.

“We are very excited to have achieved success in the first critical phase of our collaboration with GE Healthcare, where we demonstrated the capability of our process to manufacture X-ray sources for the C-Scan® system,” said Bill Densel, CEO of Check-Cap. “We look forward to moving ahead with the development and validation of scalable production and integration processes that can provide capsules for future U.S. clinical trials and commercialization.”

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., with an estimated 135,000 diagnoses and 50,000 deaths in 2017[1].  Despite compelling evidence that screening can detect colorectal cancer and precancerous polyps, nearly one-third of the recommended adult population has never been screened. The C-Scan® system is designed to improve the patient experience with screening  by eliminating many unattractive requirements, such as bowel preparation, fasting, and sedation.

“The results of this critical phase of the collaboration are incredibly exciting for patients and the future prevention of colorectal cancer,” said Emmanuel Ligner, General Manager of Core Imaging for GE Healthcare Life Sciences. “GE Healthcare will continue its collaboration with Check-Cap using our expertise in radiopharmaceutical and device manufacturing to bring the C-Scan® system to clinicians and patients.”

1 “Key Statistics for Colorectal Cancer,” American Cancer Society, https://www.cancer.org/cancer/colon-rectal-cancer/about/key-statistics.html

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