, New probe for Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes measures voltages in the millivolt range

New probe for Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes measures voltages in the millivolt range

The new R&S RT-ZP1X passive 1:1 probe from Rohde & Schwarz broadens the application range of its R&S RTO and R&S RTE series oscilloscopes. Both the probe and the oscilloscopes’ frontend are extremely low noise, making this combination ideal for measuring the smallest of signals down to 1 mV/div, e.g. for power integrity measurements on integrated circuits and components.

Supply voltage requirements have risen drastically, especially in the area of embedded designs. By integrating more and more functional units into the smallest of spaces, developers are able to minimize power consumption. This is where power integrity measurements become indispensable. Developers and service engineers investigating the noise characteristics of components in these types of circuits must measure signals in the millivolt range. An appropriately sensitive, low-noise probe is essential for obtaining meaningful measurement results.

The new R&S RT-ZP1X passive 1:1 probe is precisely matched to the R&S RTE (up to 2 GHz) and the R&S RTO1000/2000 (up to 4 GHz) oscilloscopes. In combination with the R&S RTE, this solution provides the best price/performance ratio on the market for power integrity measurements. The oscilloscopes’ low-noise frontend keeps the noise floor under 650 µVpp (1 mV/div and 200 MHz bandwidth), even for a 1 MΩ input impedance. Other oscilloscopes achieve such values only for a 50 Ω input impedance.

With an acquisition rate of up to 1 million waveforms per second, users quickly obtain meaningful measurement results, complete with histogram and all signal components. In the zoom view in 16 bit high definition (HD) mode, even the smallest of signal details can be analyzed and triggered.

To search for coupled interference signals, the oscilloscopes offer a hardware-based fast Fourier transform (FFT) that delivers the spectrum display practically in realtime. This makes it possible, for example, to identify 10 MHz signals coupled to an adjacent clock line at a glance. Another unique feature is the zone trigger that can be used to graphically separate events such as out-of-limit conditions in the time and frequency domain.

The probe is also suitable for the R&S RTM (up to 1 GHz) and R&S HMO (70 MHz to 500 MHz) oscilloscopes.

The R&S RT-ZP1X passive 1:1 probe is now available from Rohde & Schwarz. A large number of other active, passive and current probes are also available for these oscilloscopes to cover many other power electronics applications.

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