, Stamped Spring Pin Socket for 0.65mm pitch NXP’s RCPBGA

Stamped Spring Pin Socket for 0.65mm pitch NXP’s RCPBGA

Socket your PoP BGA500 using Extreme Temperature Socket with Superior Electrical Performance

EAGAN, MN – October, 2016 – Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new socket addressing high performance requirements for Burn-in and Test applications – SBT-BGA-6538. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 31 gram actuation force per ball and cycle life of 125,000 insertions. The self inductance of the contactor is 0.88 nH, insertion loss of < 1 dB at 15.7 GHz and capacitance 0.097pF. The current capacity of each contactor is 4 amps at 80C temperature rise. Socket temperature range is -55C to +180C. Socket features a floating guide for precise ball to pin alignment. Socket also includes additional floating compression plate that has a cavity to accommodate PoP devices. The specific configuration of the package to be tested in the SBT-BGA-6538 is BGA, 14x17mm body size, 0.65mm pitch and 20×25 ball array. To use, drop IC into the socket, place floating compression plate, swivel the lid, and apply down force using compression screw. This socket can be used for hand test and quick turn custom burn-in applications with the most stringent requirements.

Pricing for the SBT-BGA-6538 is $811 at qty 1 with reduced pricing available depending on quantity required.

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