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CorrActions’ Life-Saving AI-Powered Solution Prevents Cognitive Distraction in Drivers

The solution analyzes brain activity and detects cognitive distraction, drowsiness, and alcohol in drivers to improve road safety, potentially saving over 20,000 lives each year

CorrActions, an Israeli AI Driver NeuroMonitoring company, is unveiling a new transformative AI cognitive distraction detection solution. The solution was presented at the mid-year meeting of the TRB (Transportation Research Board) Committee on Impairment in Transportation which took place in Washington D.C. in mid June. The CorrActions software aims to enhance road safety and save lives by assessing if a driver is intoxicated, drowsy, or distracted. When cognitive impairment is detected, the NeuroMonitoring solution can take immediate action, such as alerting the driver or activating safety measures.

The innovative CorrActions’ Driver NeuroMonitoring solution is the first software-only monitor of driver cognitive impairments caused by alcohol, drowsiness, cognitive distraction, and more, using data already existing in the vehicle – from the steering wheel, seat, in-cabin radar, and additional sensors and is implemented by OTA (Over The Air) software update without any new hardware being required. The software works passively in the background and doesn’t use visual identification or a camera of any kind, making it completely non-intrusive to protect the driver’s and passengers’ privacy.

CorrActions’ NeuroMonitor technology is based on a scientific discovery that reads EEG brain activity through the imprint of EEG signals on muscle sub-movements.  One of the measures advocated by the NHTSA is the use of EEG, referred to as an objective measure that is most frequently used to measure brain states.

While driving under the influence of alcohol is well-known as a cause of fatalities on the world’s roads, distracted driving is another dangerous impairment that frequently occurs. When driving, cognitive distractions like daydreaming can be incredibly dangerous and potentially fatal. In these situations, even though drivers are with “hands on the steering wheel and eyes on road”, their minds are distracted and “off driving”. In 2022, driving drunk, distracted, and drowsy caused more than 20,000 car crash fatalities in the US alone.

Last year, NHTSA began the process of standardizing impaired-driving prevention technology that would be mandatory by manufacturers to prevent intoxicated driving.

“Using CorrActions’ Driver NeuroMonitoring System can contribute to a 70% reduction in fatalities caused by intoxicated driving. Moreover, it can result in $5 billion savings annually,” said Ilan Reingold, CEO of CorrActions. “Given our software’s close-to-zero false positives rate, its high accuracy, and its unobtrusive nature, drivers will quickly accept and trust the solution which will contribute to widespread adoption.”

Credit: CorrActions

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