, AEC-Q200-certified SMD ferrites with specified peak current load ratings

AEC-Q200-certified SMD ferrites with specified peak current load ratings

With its WE-MPSA EMI Multilayer Power Suppression Bead Würth Elektronik has now launched an entire family of ferrites for the suppression of interference pulses in automotive applications. The respective peak-current capability of the ferrite beads is exactly specified. They are characterized by a high rated current of up to 10 A and extremely low resistances. WE-MPSA ferrite beads are available in the construction sizes 0805, 1206, 1612, 1812, 2220, and 3312 and can also in some cases be supplied with different specifications.

The WE-MPSA components are ideally suited for filters with high inrush current peaks. Certified for operating temperatures ranging from -55 to +125 ºC (AEC-Q200), the ferrites are designed for use e.g. in applications for noise reduction at power trains, body control and infotainment systems, motor interference suppression, in battery-management systems, DC/DC converters, audio systems, broadband suppression, and on many other areas besides. All 16 WE-MPSA versions are available ex stock. Although the components are generally supplied in component belts, limited numbers of the products can also be ordered for prototype construction purposes.

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