, VTT, TactoTek and their work on structural electronics won an international innovation award

VTT, TactoTek and their work on structural electronics won an international innovation award

VTT and TactoTek together won the 2018 EARTO – European Association of Research and Technology Organisations Innovation Award in the category Impact Delivered. TactoTek® is a spin-off from VTT.

The company is currently a leading provider of solutions for Injection Molded Structural Electronics (IMSE™) that integrate printed circuitry and electronic components into 3D injection molded plastics. Main use cases include in-vehicle applications, home/industrial appliances, and wearable technology. TactoTek adapts customer designs to IMSE technology, develops mass production ready prototypes, and mass produces or licenses the technology for 3rd party mass production.

VTT’s research and development work is behind this IMSE technology. IMSE technology reduces assembly costs by more than 30% compared to traditional manufacturing methods. IMSE structures are also 50-75% lighter and take up 25% less space than conventional electronic assemblies.

EARTO – European Association of Research and Technology Organisations: EARTO promotes RTOs and represents their interests in Europe. The EARTO network counts over 350 RTOs in more than 20 countries. www.earto.eu

VTT is among the major research and technology organisations in Europe. VTT’s research and innovation services give VTT’s partners, both private and public, all over the world a competitive edge and help turn global challenges into opportunities. www.vtt.fi

TactoTek is a leading provider of solutions for Injection Molded Structural Electronics (IMSE) that integrate printed circuitry and electronic components into 3D injection molded plastics. www.tactotek.com

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