, Würth Elektronik eiSos presents WE-DPC HV Power Choke

Würth Elektronik eiSos presents WE-DPC HV Power Choke

Smallest Coupled Power Choke

– WE-DPC HV (Double Power Choke High Voltage) is a magnetically shielded, SMD coupled power choke with two identical windings and a high isolation voltage of 1.5 kV. It is the smallest product of its type in the Würth Elektronik eiSos portfolio. With this power choke in a 5030 package, customers can attain a 40 percent lower DC resistance than products on the market. WE-DPC HV offers a wider inductance range from 1 μH to 47 μH.

WE-DPC HV is ideal solution for SEPIC, flyback, Cuk, zeta and multi-output-buck converters application. It can be used as a power choke in series and parallel connection. WE-DPC HV offers functional isolation for 250 VRMS rated voltage. Free samples of the new SMD power choke are now available. All products are available ex stock.


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