, BCD Microelectronics LTd. is now called BCD-Atlantik Ltd.

BCD Microelectronics LTd. is now called BCD-Atlantik Ltd.

The two semiconductor distributors and providers of advanced complete solutions, BCD Microelectronics and Atlantik Elektronik, joined as BCD-Atlantik Ltd. on June 14, 2017.

Atlantik Elektronik has acquired 50% of the shares of BCD Microelectronics and look ahead into the future. The primary target of the merging is the expansion of the business region United Kingdom and Ireland.

Founded in 1990 and headquarted in Basingstoke, Hampshire (UK) BCD Microelectronics has established itself as a distributor and representative for innovative semiconductors and electronic components in UK.

“The combination of both companies and the synergy effect, we generate an enormous potential to be even more efficient and competitive in the future,” explains Ottmar Flach, CEO of Atlantik Elektronik GmbH.

The existing product portfolio of BCD Microelectronics is now supplemented by Atlantik Group products and services in order to offer existing customers an even wider range of products and to win new customers. As of now, BCD Microelectronics will trade under the name BCD-Atlantik Ltd.

“We are looking forward to a positive cooperation and a successful future together, because we are very well aligned. We will maintain the same corporate culture and pursue the common goal of offering individual solutions for our customers, “explains Ottmar Flach. “Both companies know the market and the requirements very well and thus we see tremendous growth opportunities for the product portfolio,” supplemented Ottmar Flach.

“As a result of the merger with Atlantik Elektronik, we are expanding our joint product portfolio, which enables us to offer a European sales network that supports both our growing international trade and the increasing relocation of production,” said Barry Coomber, Managing Director of BCD Microelectronics.

“We’ve worked with many major OEMs and we know what is needed to get a product from a single source, from concept to manufacturing,” adds Coomber. “We also have close relationships with the most important manufacturers that allow us to understand the characteristics and performance of their products and services to help customers choose the most suitable products for their applications.”

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