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PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Jamila Abass CEO and co-founder, M-Farm mfarm.co.ke |
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INSPIRING LEADER Angela Ahrendts SVP, Apple apple.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Mags Amond Irish ambassador, EU Code Week codeweek.eu |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Sophia Amoruso Founder, Nasty Gal nastygal.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Isis Anchalee Founder, #ILookLikeAnEngineer ilooklikeanengineer.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Dr Sue Black Founder, Techmums techmums.co |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Anne Boden Founder and CEO, Starling Bank starlingbank.co.uk |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Kimberly Bryant Founder and director, Black Girls Code blackgirlscode.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Margaret Burgraff VP, Intel intel.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Ursula M Burns CEO, Xerox xerox.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Safra Catz Co-CEO, Oracle oracle.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Aparna Chennapragada Director, Google Now google.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Tracy Chou Software engineer, pinterest.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Emer Coleman Chair, Open Data Governance Board data.gov.ie |
INSPIRING LEADER Cora Creed VP, Universal Music Group universalmusic.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Edel Creely Group MD, Trilogy Technologies trilogytechnologies.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Weili Dai Co-founder, Marvell Technology Group marvell.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Gaia Dempsey Co-founder and VP, Daqri daqri.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Guan Dian Co-founder and VP, PatSnap patsnap.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Caroline Dowling Division president, Flex flextronics.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Caroline Faulkner Senior MD and CIO, Pramerica pramerica.ie |
INSPIRING LEADER Una Fox VP, The Walt Disney Company thewaltdisneycompany.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Cindy Gallop Founder, MakeLoveNotPorn cindygallop.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Melinda Gates Co-founder, Gates Foundation gatesfoundation.org |
INSPIRING LEADER Diane Greene SVP, google.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Cathriona Hallahan Ireland MD, Microsoft microsoft.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Julia Hartz Co-founder, Eventbrite eventbrite.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Aisling Hassell Head of CX, Airbnb airbnb.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Fidelma Healy COO, Gilt gilt.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Ann-Marie Holmes VP, Intel intel.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Amy Hood CFO, Microsoft microsoft.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Arianna Huffington Co-founder, Huffington Post huffingtonpost.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Anne-Marie Imafidon Co-founder and CEO, Stemettes stemettes.org |
INSPIRING LEADER Abigail Johnson CEO, Fidelity Investments fidelity.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Peggy Johnson Executive VP, Microsoft microsoft.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Margaret Keane CEO, Synchrony Financial synchronyfinancial.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Cathy Kearney Country manager, Apple Ireland apple.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Ana Keating Director, Rational Group intel.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Dr Ann Kelleher VP, Intel intel.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Nora Khaldi Co-founder and CSO, Nuritas nuritas.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Martina King CEO, Featurespace featurespace.co.uk |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Céline Lazorthes Founder and CEO, Leetchi.com leetchi.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Jess Lee Co-founder and CEO, Polyvore polyvore.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Holly Liu Co-founder and CDO, Kabam kabam.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Bethany Mayer CEO, Ixia ixiacom.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Marissa Mayer CEO, Yahoo yahoo.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Fionnuala Meehan MD of SMB sales EMEA, Google google.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Kathryn Minshew Co-founder and CEO, The Muse themuse.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Mary Moloney Global CEO, CoderDojo Foundation coderdojo.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Hazel Moore Co-founder and chair, FirstCapital firstcapital.co.uk |
INSPIRING LEADER Regina Moran UK and Ireland CEO, Fujitsu fujitsu.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Joan Mulvihill CEO, Irish Internet Association iia.ie |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Catheryne Nicholson Co-founder and CEO, BlockCypher blockcypher.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Norma O’Callaghan EMEA finance director, Trend Micro trendmicro.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Olive O’Driscoll Co-founder and CEO, AventaMed aventamed.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Marguerite O’Grady MD for EMEA, Kemp Technologies kemptechnologies.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Anne O’Leary CEO, Vodafone Ireland vodafone.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Jennifer Pahlka Founder and director, Code for America codeforamerica.org |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Monica Parker Founder, Hatch Analytics hatchstrategy.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Michelle Peluso Chief strategic adviser, Gilt and HBC xerox.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Lucy Peng CEO, Ant Financial Services alipay.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Alaina Percival CEO and board chair, Women Who Code womenwhocode.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Monisha Perkash Co-founder and CEO, Lumo Bodytech lumobodytech.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Melanie Perkins Co-founder and CEO, Canva canva.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Louise Phelan VP global operations EMEA, PayPal paypal.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Ruth Porat CFO, Alphabet abc.xyz |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Shelly Porges Entrepreneurship advocate twitter.com/shellyporges |
INSPIRING LEADER Zhou Qunfei Founder, Lens Technology hnlens.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Anne Ravanona Founder and CEO, Global Invest Her globalinvesther.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Jemma Redmond Founder and CEO, Ourobotics weare3dbioprinting humans.org |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Danae Ringelmann Co-founder and CDO, Indiegogo indiegogo.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Ginni Rometty CEO, IBM ibm.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Elizabeth Rossiello Founder and CEO, BitPesa bitpesa.co |
INSPIRING LEADER Sheryl Sandberg COO, facebook.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Dr Anita Sands Board member, Symantec symantec.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Niambh Scullion Co-founder, CoderDojo Girls coderdojo.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Ellyn J Shook CHRO, Accenture accenture.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Gwynne Shotwell COO, SpaceX spacex.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Megan Smith US CTO, The White House whitehouse.gov |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Dr Cristina Soviany Founder, Features Analytics features-analytics.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Lauren C States Fellow, Harvard University advancedleadership. harvard.edu |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Debra Sterling Founder and CEO, GoldieBlox goldieblox.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Regina Sullivan Executive VP, Fidelity Investments fidelity.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Kara Swisher Executive editor, Re/code recode.net |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Nina Tandon Co-founder and CEO, EpiBone epibone.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Minerva Tantoco CTO, New York City nyc.gov |
INSPIRING LEADER Niamh Townsend Ireland GM, Dell dell.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Lorraine Twohill SVP, google.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Vicky Twomey-Lee Co-founder, Coding Grace codinggrace.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Katharine Viner Editor-in-chief, The Guardian theguardian.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Cher Wang Co-founder and CEO, HTC htc.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Padmasree Warrior US CEO, NextEV nextev.com |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Amy Webb Founder and CEO, Webbmedia Group webbmediagroup.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Meg Whitman CEO, HP Enterprise hp-enterprisesolutions.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Judith Williams Global head of diversity, Dropbox dropbox.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Susan Wojcicki CEO, YouTube youtube.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Maggie Wu CFO, Alibaba alibaba.com |
AMAZING ADVOCATE Malala Yousafzai Co-founder, The Malala Fund malala.org |
PHENOMENAL FOUNDER Katharine Zaleski Co-founder, PowerToFly powertofly.com |
INSPIRING LEADER Jane Zavalishina CEO, Yandex Data Factory yandexdatafactory.com |