Samsung Electronics announced the launch of its Samsung Team Empowered Partners (STEP) reseller programme, a co-ordinated approach to help resellers go to market quicker. AV will be a particularly big focus for the company, with the launch of STEP AV benefiting 80 accredited resellers through direct client management and access to the Samsung sales team. These re-sellers will have access to exclusive accreditation training to three Samsung products; LED screens, video walls and software platform Magic Info.
“Having that close connection between the re-seller and the vendor is extremely important in creating a successful partnership,” said Phil Gaut, Head of Display at Samsung Electronics UK and Ireland. “Through STEP we’re committed to ensuring our re-sellers have everything they need to reach their customers, quickly and easily.”
As part of this new push, Samsung has also unveiled a change in its business warranty strategy, aimed at providing next day repairs and replacements. Under the old strategy, faulty products would be repaired within five days. However, any issue that is reported before 4pm will now receive an on-site visit the next business day and the faulty product will be replaced with a new one, while it is being repaired.
“Being unable to operate because of a faulty product can be very disruptive for a business and even result in lost revenue. This new strategy will give companies the immediate assistance they need to get them up and running as soon as possible so any downtime is minimal,” said Gaut.
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